Fitch Ratings Affirms Kazatomprom's Credit Rating at "BBB", Outlook Stable


The rating reflects Company's strong financial position due to its conservative financial policy and low-cost position on the global cost curve.  

Fitch Ratings Affirms Kazatomprom's Credit Rating at "BBB", Outlook Stable Фото:

National Atomic Company “Kazatomprom” JSC (“Kazatomprom” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) has affirmed Kazatomprom's credit rating at “BBB”, outlook Stable.

Fitch rates Kazatomprom on a standalone basis due to limited ties with its ultimate major shareholder Republic of Kazakhstan (“BBB”/Stable), under Fitch’s Government-Related Entities (GRE) Rating Criteria.

The rating reflects Company's strong financial position due to its conservative financial policy and low-cost position on the global cost curve. It also highlights Kazatomprom's global leader position in uranium production and contracted production volumes along with long-term relationships with utilities.

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